Character Design withing a photo realistic image 19th September 2019

To get inspiration and some design aspects for my piece I created a mood board of other artists work that I enjoy and like some aspects of for example 3. And 7. I like the blacked out eyes that give a feeling of depth in the characters yet no emotion.

This was my research for my photograph I was going to use to incorporate my character into a realistic environment. I tried to get a variety of images to make sure my range in character was there so that I didn’t try and design my character around an image.

This was my 3rd character Design I took inspiration from multiple sources of reference and changed them into a weird suit wearing octo man. Some of my other designs were not as good but helped me chose what aspects of the drawing I liked and then tried to incorporate into my final design.

Final Design

My final design became a process of putting all that I had learned about character design like the position and their structure, colour theory and more into my final piece.

I started off by creating my short character designs that helped me understand what I liked and what I didn’t like about what I was drawing I then threw all of my ideas together and had to decidie what I wanted my final piece to be, I decided on with the features of completely black eyes, simple body form and realistic body position that I wanted to make my final piece a zombie. I drew multiple designs in paper in rough sketch but ultimately decided on this one I then scanned it into my computer and resized and moved to a clear position and began colouring.

I decided on my perspective of the zombie straight away I wanted him to be almost looking into the viewers soul and because of this I made his eyes look head on in regards to the viewer. I also made him look sort of hunched over and a little stand of ish as if he is startled to try and give an atmosphere in the piece.

Because of my cartoonist looking zombie I decided I wanted to make the actuall colour of my design semi realistic so I paid attention to small details like where zombie would have blood on them and where they would not. I tried to stick to the primary colours such as red and green but did use some shades of grey and black to create a bold outline and clearly mark what was what. Such as the zombies shirt and pants. I also used colour to portray time within my piece as the colour of the blood in the fingers and hand is meant to look dried as it may have used them more than any other part of its body. But then I used a vibrant red to add an element of fresh blood to the zombies teeth and shirt suggesting that it may have eaten recently.

Overall I think my first piece has went well I liked my colour theory and the overall line work of my piece in the future I would like to become more creative and do something a little more outside of the box to make my piece stand out.