Visual Effects in TV shows 19th September 2019

Visual effects are used in the industry of TV shows and films when there is a need for an effect that would be otherwise either too expensive, impractical, dangerous for the people involved in shooting or just straight up impossible.

In the walking dead they quite frequently use VFX particualrly in the first scene if the clip above it would have been too expensive to rent a full building and destroy it so they used a base of a building and then added the rest in post.
The series ‘Peaky Blinders’ is set in olden days Birmingham or other UK known places and parts of it in America, because of the time period it would be virtually impossible to recreate the buildings that surround the actors to perfect accuracy even if they could it would have been extremely expensive and space consuming. With new VFX they can use reference of actual photos of these places and use them where possible or paint them into the scene as seen above in most scenes with big background buildings.
Kong Skull Island is a very popular film from 2017 and required a 104 feet tall gorilla this is completely impossible to achieve and a robot would have been ridiculous to create even at a reasonable size, so the 2017 film used visual effects to create ‘King Kong’ they used a 3D model and rigged it to behave how they wanted in scenes to create the gorilla and quite alot of its scenes background and or foregrounds.

VFX or Visual Effects are a way of mixing real film shooting with false or animated images. For instance, a movie that shows the hero jumping off the ground and flying into the air, is created using VFX.

Keying within Premiere Pro 3rd October 2019

Within the software package I imported the video footage that we took in the classroom. After it had finished I cut down the footage to only leave the part where the subject was acting. Then I used the feature with creative cloud called “Replace with affects”

Green Screen’s

Matte: Matte paintings are one of the original VFX techniques used in film making. Originally used in photography, matte paintings have evolved from painted glass panels to entire 3D digital worlds. A matte painting is often a painted glass pane that is used to show a landscape or large set piece.

Image result for what is a matte in vfx

Mask: A mask in Adobe After Effects is a path, or outline, that is used to modify layer effects and properties. In my green screen project I used a mask to cut out non essential parts of my green screen footage.

Image result for what is a mask in after effects

Green Screen: Green screen is a visual effects (VFX) technique where two images or video streams are layered—i.e. composited—together.

Image result for green screen

Keying: Keying is the process of isolating a single color or brightness value in an electronic image and using software to make that value transparent, allowing another image to show through the affected areas.

Related image

In Premiere I cut down our footage that we took in class to a time frame where there was only footage that we needed. I then created a project within Premiere that allowed me to link my After Effects project to my Premiere project this allows the files to sync so that any change to After Effects would be made to the same Premiere. In Ae I used keying effects to remove the green screen background paying attention to details like no transparency within Harry’s body however due to the t-shirt color this proved difficult to get perfect. I then added a smoke effect but due to lack of time this was only a JPEG effect and not a video file that moved. After getting things perfect I saved my after effects project and exported my clip in Premiere to then allow me to upload it to YouTube.

Risk Assessments 17th October 2019

Image result for a risk

Risk: Risk is the possibility or chance of loss, danger or injury.

Image result for a risk

Hazards: A hazard is the potential for harm or an adverse effect (for example, to people as health effects, to organizations as property or equipment losses, or to the environment).

Image result for a hazard


Our initial ideas in our team was for a chase scene to occur giving some backstory to the ultimate scene of someone shrinking into something in our case it was a bin, after filming our scenes and putting them into our editing software we soon saw that this was going to be too hard to film due to the amount of lighting changes, overlapping scenes. Because of this we decided to film something simpler and easier to edit, our scene was a prop that happened to be a barbell that was dropped in front of Jonah which created a wipe and made him dissapear in front of your eyes.

We created a risk assessment to outline risks while on shoot.

Our team included Daniel, Jonah, Cameron, Alex and Me. And the name of our team was Budget Productions.

To create my edit I had to upload the footage to the PC to be able to edit it directly, to do this I used an SD card reader connected to the PC that had the SD card with the footage on into the card reader and then transferred the footage onto my own files.